Interstellar (2014) ****

Interstellar (2014) ****

 It’s a well known fact that i am a huge fan of the director, Christopher Nolan’s work and probably that is why I usually end up watching the films at least twice before writing about them, less my judgement is clouded by any bias I will have. The same is true...
Batman Begins (2005) ****

Batman Begins (2005) ****

In the year 2005 while I knew I loved films, no one else did. And today as I watched ‘Batman Begins’ again, the only film in the Batman franchise that I have seen multiple times, I asked myself the question – “Isn’t it time for a review?”. Especially since the series...
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) ****1/4

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) ****1/4

There are a couple of things that need be done by a person who takes on the challenging work of reviewing the third installment of the ‘Dark Knight’ series. First of them being actually watching the movie in an IMAX theatre the way Christopher Nolan imagined it and...
The Dark Knight (2008) ****

The Dark Knight (2008) ****

It’s quite possible that after watching the movie, your mind would mostly remember the great action sequences and Heath Ledger in one of his best performances as Joker. The movie is so disturbing at times that it does not fully register. But that’s why you need to...
Inception (2010) ****

Inception (2010) ****

I could easily call it the blockbuster of the year. Or maybe of two years. But that said, ‘Inception’ should not be mistaken for something more than what it is and but that by no means disregards what it achieves. In the blockbuster genre, it is somehow assumed by the...