Barfi (2012) ***

Barfi (2012) ***

For me, ‘Barfi’ was a story of love lost and regret, much more than the saccharine romance between the deaf-mute boy and the autistic girl. It could possibly be because unrequited love stories always makes for better films but even more so because I have...
Prometheus (2012) ***

Prometheus (2012) ***

First…. I have not seen Alien. So I am not going to write hundreds of words comparing this film to that, which almost everyone has done.    Moving on, for me watching a film in the 3D format is a complete no-no, since I had a harrowing time watching...
The Cabin in the Woods (2012) ***

The Cabin in the Woods (2012) ***

This is one of those movies that I quite not know what to think of. Throughout the movie, there is a very obvious effort from the side of the director Drew Goddard and writer Joss Whedon to keep the movie non-obvious. They do succeed to a certain extent. But is it...
Vicky Donor (2012) ***

Vicky Donor (2012) ***

Once every 12 months comes a film that restores my faith in Bollywood or Hindi Film Industry. After a whole year of bummers I finally find solace in this marvellous film called ‘Vicky Donor’. I must mention that the film was not marketed well but sometime...
TV: Cougar Town (Season 1, 2, 3) ***

TV: Cougar Town (Season 1, 2, 3) ***

    Cougar Town is a show that makes me want to grow old. Jules (Couretney Cox) and her gang of wine drinking buddies who can afford to do literally nothing most of the time is what I call the perfect place to be when you are in your 40s. ‘Friends’ was funny but had...
Young Adult (2011) ***

Young Adult (2011) ***

Jason Reitman has had an impressive track record. For those who don’t remember, he has previously directed ‘Thank You for Smoking’, ‘Juno’ and ‘Up in the Air’. Time and again I have repeated, what I think make the most fantastic of movies. It is not just one thing but...