Before Midnight (2013) ***1/2

Before Midnight (2013) ***1/2

There are not enough love stories in the world. There are more than enough romances but when it comes to love, believe it or not audience tends to prefer unrequited love and somehow now the words ‘happily ever after’ are also uttered with bitter cynicism. People say...
The Heat (2013) **1/2

The Heat (2013) **1/2

Okay, I went in to see the film purely because I am a girl. There is no other reason. The film stars Sandra Bullock, has been directed by Paul Feig, still warm from the memories of last year’s ‘Bridesmaids’ and I am a girl who just was in desperate need to laugh a...
The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2013) ***1/2

The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2013) ***1/2

It is hard for me to write reviews for films that strike a chord with me on a personal note. So I will refrain from pretending to write a review for Mira Nair’s new film ‘The Reluctant Fundamentalist’. The following are just some of the many thoughts that were racing...
Iron Man 3 (2013) ***

Iron Man 3 (2013) ***

I wish Iron Man-3 was named something else. I just don’t get the concept of putting a number against a name. A number cannot capture an entire film. Because while we have Robert Downey Jr portraying Tony Stark in his own unique arrogant-sexy way, the third installment...
Take This Waltz (2011) ***1/2

Take This Waltz (2011) ***1/2

‘Take This Waltz’ is what you may call a mood film. Made by Sarah Polley, who had earlier directed the heartbreaking Alzheimer’s love story ‘Away from Her’, this comedy-drama is a tragic ode to life. Starring Michelle Williams, Seth Rogen and Luke Kirby, as the...
Metropolitan (1990) ****

Metropolitan (1990) ****

A couple of days back, I heard a friend talk about a colleague in his office. “This woman can start a conversation with anyone,” he said. “So I was talking to her about books and she started telling me about a many titles and how good those books were,” he continued....